Friday, February 11, 2011

Infertility Resume

I have seen many infertility blogs with there infertility "resume" listed.  (a list of all treatments from the day they started TTC)  I always read them.  It is very interesting to me to read what treatments they have been through and specifically breaks they have taken from treatment.  It is interesting to me how many couples switch REs.  Helps reassure me that there ARE in fact people out there going through exactly the same thing I am.

I have really thought about completing an infertility resume.....mainly just for my memory.  I had to get a copy of all of my records from my last RE for my new one when I switched, so I had good intentions of writing my resume when I got those records.  That was a year and a half ago and now my list is just longer.....

Ugh.  Why did I procrastinate?

Maybe because it is just A LOT of work to read through all of the medical jargon to figure out what treatment I got when.
Maybe it is because it will be painful to re-live all of those unsuccessful treatments.
Maybe it is a combination of both.

Okay, so I think I have just about convinced myself I AM going to do this.  I think it has the possibility to be healing.  Bear with me as I start this could take a while!  Ha!  5 years of TTC can take a while to type up!

Infertility Resume
My husband and I got married in December 2003
My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer in October 2005
My husband and I were planning on throwing away BC pills in January 2005
We discovered a few months could make a big difference in whether our child would meet my dad and decided to throw away the BC after I finished that round in November 2005
Positive Pregnancy Test in January 2006 at 7 weeks pregnant (I didn't test earlier because nobody gets pregnant on their first try!  Ha!)
Middle of January 2006-Beginning of February 2006=happiest 2 weeks of my life!
January 31, 2006 at 5 p.m. started bleeding.  Came home gathered what I needed, called my boss to see if her husband was on call [he is my OB], and headed to the ER.  
January 31, 2006 at 6 pm my mom calls and says my dad was admitted into the hospital and wasn't doing well at all.
January 31, 2006 my wonderful OB knows what is going on with my dad [because my awesome boss called him and told him and told him to go to the ER immediately because I was there miscarrying.  Some people are definitely put into your life for a reason!] and tells me my options but since we were leaning towards a DNC he recommends that I let him admit me over night [in case the pain got worse because it wasn't very bad] and he would put me on his surgery schedule for first thing the next morning so I could travel 3 hours to see my dad in the hospital. 
February 1, 2006 DNC
February 2006 follow-up appointment with my OB and he recommended that I not go back on BC but my husband and I not TTC for 3 months-March, April, May and begin trying again in June 2006
February 2006 My dad has surgery to remove what they thought was another tumor but ended up being scar tissue and comes home from the hospital in March 2006!  PG!
June 2006 I started having periods every 2 weeks-called OB and recommended I wait one more cycle to see if it straightens out
July 2006 first "what in the world is going on" appointment with my OB
July 2006 all the blood work begins
Okay, so every bit of that was straight from my memory.  Now this is where it gets hazy......I am going to have to find what I did with my copy of my records. 

At least I got started!

1 comment:

The Glover Gang said...

You will be glad you did this and will for sure want to record everything during IVF. I kept a 3 ring binder...divided into sections: insurance, EOB's, Ins claims sent/received, medications and protocol and phone #'s. It kept me sane and able to keep up with it all.